Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Holly Bush and Dinner

This holly bush is in front of our hotel.  I never saw one so bright and shiny.  Right next to our hotel was a Hooters.  Who said those memorable words, "We're not eating at Hooters!"?  Did I put enough exclamation points on it?  We ate at Applebee's.  I ordered a black and blue burger--replacing the fries with broccoli--that arrived without the bleu cheese and with fries.  Nancy ordered a chicken dish that was supposed to have shrimp on it.  She distinctly asked that it not come with the shrimp and the server informed her that she was also allergic to shrimp and assured her that there would be no shrimp on Nancy's order.  Are you sensing a pattern here.  Someone else brought the order to our table and, of course, it had shrimp on it.  It is quickly whisked away but the corrected was not so quickly returned.  In the meantime, my bleu cheese and broccoli had also be brought out.  It was not the server's fault but we did note that there were four young men in the booth besides us and a young couple on the other side of us.  She was quite engaged on conversation with those at either table--not so much with us.  Go figure.

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