Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Hills and Stopping for Lunch

We stopped in Clines Corners--at the intersection of our route with I 40--for lunch after not finding anything for miles.  Clines Corners Retail Center is the only game in town ("town" is very much an overstatement).  We bought souvenirs and I picked up a very nice inexpensive wallet.  While we were eating lunch, a man approached our table in a manner that caused me to wonder how I had offended him, but before we knew we were talking about Alaska--because I was wearing a T-shirt with "Anchorage, Alaska 49" on it.  It turns out that he was from Alaska and he was telling us he and his wife had been to Florida visiting relatives and were on their way back to Alaska.  Something he said led me to ask, "Do you mean on a motorcycle?"  "Yes," he said, pointing out the window at a single motorcycle.  Amazing!

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