Friday, May 23, 2014

The Museum

Wooleroc was established by Frank Phillips, of Phillips Petroleum, in 1925 as a retreat.  The museum was much larger than expected, focusing on Western art and Western and Native American culture.  There is also a large collection of guns.  This mosaic was on the wall just outside the entrance.  Speaking of guns.  Nancy and I have both made an interesting observation that we are dubbing "God, Guns and Girls."  The first represents that we have seen so many churches out here, some very large.  The second represents all the advertisements for gun shows and gun stores.  One was for a gun and knife show.  The last is all about all the adult book and videos stores we've seen, plus numerous Hooters Restaurants and one Hustlers Store.  We even saw several billboards about reporting sex trafficking.  We'll let you draw your own conclusions about this phenomena.

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