Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday's Route

Okay, ignore the blue line that creates the loop.  I couldn't get Google Maps to recreate our route without that middle section.  This morning's jaunt was a bit "extended" by our Garmin GPS.  We were rejoicing over the fact that we had finally figured out how to remove the Northeast data and replace it with the Southwest data, and all was going well through and beyond Tulsa on our way to Woolaroc Ranch Museum and Wildlife Reserve.  I began suspecting that we were going too far north before being directed to turn off but decided to give the GPS the benefit of the doubt.  Big mistake!  There was nothing there when we arrived at our "destination."  We were 12 mile north of Woolaroc. It was back to the maps for quite some time after that.  I relented when we approached Oklahoma City on our way to our second destination.

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