Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Mercy-Williams Houseot allowed to take picutr

The historic houses in Savannah are name after the first and last owners.  General Mercer, Johnny Mercer's great grandfather, started the building in 1860.  But the Civil War began in 1861 and the house was just a shell throughout the war.  The general was not well when the war ended so he sold it so his family would inherit something other than a partially built mansion.  Jim Williams bought the house in 1968.  It took him two years to restore it.  Yes, this is the same Jim Williams from Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, and this is the house where the murder occurred and where the movie was filmed.  If you haven't read the book, I recommend it.  We were not allowed to take picture inside, not even in the garden.

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