Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Aldon's Pyramid

Both on the way and on the way back, we stopped at Bingham's for dinner. On the second stop Aldon occupied himself by building a pyramid.

Ev and Aldon in Lego Heaven

Philadelphia in Legos

Lego Mania

Riding the Lego Train

Going to Legoland on Our Way Home

Walking Back through City Hall

Views from the Top

Arriving at the Top of One Liberty Observation Deck

In Reading Market

Independence Hall

Where the Declaration of Independence was Drafted

Early Flora

The speedwell was near the hotel and the hyacinth was in front of the Liberty Bell.

Visiting the Liberty Bell on Saturday Morning

A Visit to the Park on Race Street Pier

Off to Dinner at Dave and Buster's

A Walk along the River

While the rest were resting, I did a little exploring.

Optical Illusions

A Cool Exhibit on the Brain

Posing with Ben

The Franklin Institute

What's a trip to Philadelphia without going to the Franklin Institute and what's going to the Franklin Institute without going through the heart?

The Dome and Pegasus

On the Carousel

Remembering a Favorite Toy

The Torch

Even the adults had to play in the duck pond.

The Please Touch Museum

Our first stop on Friday was the Please Touch Museum in Fairmont Park. The boys had to try out the maze out front.

Sunrise over the Bridge

Taking the Boys to Philadelphia

On Thursday, March 14, 2019, I picked Nancy and Meisha up after Meisha's Lyceum class and, with the boys already with me, we headed for Philadelphia. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express right on the Delaware and near the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, seen here.