Monday, August 20, 2018

Magnolias at Our Hotel

On Saturday we left about 6:50 am and took the same route back as we had come, but we stayed in Harrington, Delaware, this time.  This magnolia was on the hotel property.

Views from the Crow's Nest

Friday Night Sunset

Friday, August 17, 2018

Everett and His Bird

The boys got to go out for lunch and then did a little shopping.  Everett bought this bird that actually flies.

The Sleeper

Prickly Pear


Pink Bindweed

Currituck Sound

A Dead Dragonfly

Though dead, this dragonfly was totally intact and probably the largest I had ever seen.

Crape Myrtle

A Heron

It turned out to be something on a wildlife walk.

Sweet Pea

On Friday morning I decided to take a walk toward the bay-side.

Nancy and I on Our Anniversary

Here we are celebrating our 49th wedding anniversary.

At Cravings

We also had quite a wait after we ordered our food, which turned out to be rather disappointing.

Waiting for Our Table

Apparently Cravings Restaurant has become very popular after it appeared on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.  We had to wait about an hour in not so cool weather.

Kendal Surfing

For an early birthday gift, Kendal received a surfing lesson, but it looks like she's already a pro.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Emery "Bending" the Rules

This was just cool.


There was a small patch of gaillardia (blanket flower) right by the steps that led to the beach.

Conch Shell

Taylor found the fully intact conch shell while she was swimming.

In the Sand


In the Water

This morning Tish saw a ray in the water near her feet and most of us saw the dolphins popping up now and again.

Ghost Crab

This guy must have thought that if he didn't move, we didn't see him.

Thursday's Sunrise

Thursday Morning Walk on the Beach

Wednesday's Sunset

At Dairy Queen

The third generation went out to dinner so we ordered four pizzas for the rest of us.  After that we hit Dairy Queen for an ice cream treat.

Puzzle Number Five

Emery and Taylor put this one together but there was one piece missing--until Josh produced the piece, put it in place and declared that he had finished the puzzle.