Friday, September 30, 2016

Something Special from Yesterday

In case you though I was like Trump, here's the proof that we saw elk on Thursday.

Friday's Map

Route 66

When we got back to Williams and ate lunch at Dairy Queen, we did some shopping down the old Route 66 strip.  Everything is focused on nostalgia related to Route 66, especially during the fifties and sixties.

Navajo Arts and Craft Stop

On our way back to Williams, we stopped at Oak Creek Vista (see the map in the previous post) to take in a Navajo art and craft fair.  We came away with a "few" items.

Playing Twister

On our way to and from the park this was part of our route in and out of Oak Creek Canyon.


Cool Bark

Rock of Ages

Man Sliding Down

Nancy's Shots

Up Close

The Slide Rock Area

This is Oak Creek.

Apple Barn Display

The area that now encompassing the park was originally a farm that grew fruit.  The fruit trees are still there and people were coming to the park to pick the fruit.  This is part of a display about the original farm.

Have You Had Enough of Rocks?

An Interesting Sign the the Men's Restroom

This sign was over each urinal.  I had to double check to see if the restrooms had been changed to unisex while I was still in there.

Cactus Big Time

Take in this huge prickly pear and the fruit on it.

Arriving at Slide Rock State Park

We went light again on Friday, deciding to do take in Slide Rock State Park and then shopping in downtown Williams.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Before the Deluge

We ate the lunch we brought outside the Vercamp's Visitor Center and then did a little shopping in the Hopi House.  Unfortunately, it started raining shortly after we got off the shuttle bus to catch the one that would take us to Hermits Rest.  While we waited under the bus stop shelter, it started pouring.  We killed time chatting with a radiologist and her mother.  The younger woman had recently moved from Indianapolis to Arizona.  Eventually it let up enough to walk back to the other bus stop.  We had to wait for the second shuttle because so many were trying to get back to the parking lot.  We decided to head to Williams where we were staying for the next two nights.

And Yes, More

And More

On our way into the park we saw a couple of elk, a male and female.  Then later we encountered this little critter.

And More

And Still More

Still More, of Course

The Proof

The Grand Canyon

The Very Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon


This was some of the more vibrant vegetation in the area.

The Fog

It was a good thing that we got there early because the weather was not being cooperative, but this fog added special effects in some areas.

The Colorado River

Look in the distance.  That is the longest section of the Colorado River that we saw.  We might have seen more later if it hadn't started to rain.

Desert View

On Thursday, we got up early and headed for the Grand Canyon, entering from the east near Desert View, where this watchtower is.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


How do you like the spines on these little babies?