Sunday, March 20, 2016


We were such modern senior citizens, as we used an app on our cell phones to check in at the airport.

Salvador's Mustache

There was also a sculpture of Salvador Dali's iconic mustache in the garden.

The Gardens

There were gardens outside between the museum and the harbor.

The Dali Museum

Our plan was to arrive early enough in St. Petersburg to go to the new Dali Museum and it turned out to be an excellent plan.  They had very modern electronics to be used for self-guided tours, which the experience especially rewarding, and the building itself was spectacular.

On Our Way

By nine o'clock we had said our goodbyes and were heading for St. Petersburg.  This is the Sky Way Bridge going into the city.

Two Surprises This Morning

We were scheduled to fly home today, Sunday, but before we left Donna and Dan we were met my two small surprises.  First a young alligator decided to visit us in the pond outside the screened in porch.  Then while we were watching it we discovered that the pink quill (Tillandsia cyanea) had decided to bloom before we left.  Donna also bought one and they are bringing them both home when they drive back at the end of the month.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Guarding the Festival

These brown pelicans watched over the proceedings.  We had a delicious pastry before we left and arrived back at the apartment a few minutes before it started raining, the first rain since we've been here.

Lobster Art

Some people can make art out of everything.


These orchids were only $10 a piece, but we ended up buying a different plant that Donna and Dan are going to bring home to us when they drive back at the end of the month.


The festival is in the small fishing village of Placida and this vulture was on the dock.

Another Osprey

On our way in we saw this osprey.  We noticed the white "sidewalk art" by this light pole.  When we looked up we figured out who the artist was.

Placida Seafood Festival

This morning, Saturday, we decided to forego our morning walk so that we could get to the Placida Seafood Festival before it got too crowded or rained.  We succeeded on both counts, arriving a few minute before it opened.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Water Lettuce

Last summer I had bought some of this water lettuce for my little pond.

Lunch in the Tree

I didn't realize until I was just getting ready to post this that this osprey had a rather large fish with him in the tree.  This is the back end of the bird, by the way.


I finally saw my first alligator since we came down to Florida this time.

View from the Taller Tower


There was a bridge suspended between the two towers.

Resurrection Fern

These resurrection ferns are in their drought stage because there has been no rain for several weeks.  When it rains, they will spring to life and turn bright green.

Cardinal Air Plant

I had just read about this cardinal air plant before I started climbing the observation tower and before reaching the top I saw this one.


I stopped and did the "Birdwalk" but only could get this guy up close, and he really got close--because he probably thought I had food.

More Spanish Moss

Spanish Moss is also actually an air plant.

Needle Leaf Air Plant


My most frequent companion were anoles much like this little guy.  Notice the red throat that he thrusts out periodically.

Myaaka River State Park

Since the others had been to Myaaka River State Park before but I had not, I went there myself.  I drove through a shady hammock of live oaks and palm trees to the other end of the park and then made various stops as I worked my way back.

Blue Water Iris

Another Ibis

An Egg

Yes, we even found an egg this morning, but we don't know what kind of bird laid it.

Little Blue Heron

And thought we had seen this little blue heron before, he decided to pose nicely for me this time.

Friday Morning Walk

I had almost decided to forego the camera on this morning's walk, figuring we wouldn't see anything new.  This waterlily, however, was blooming near the shore, as were many more than what we had seen on previous walks.

The Maps

Palm Leaf

This palm leaf shot was taken in front of the DQ.  We arrived back in Punta Gorda a little after nine.


We were bad!  Before we left the Keys we stopped for dinner--ice cream, of course, at the DQ!

Anne's Beach

Further down we stopped at another beach called Anne's Beach.

On the Coastline


On our way back we stopped at one of the many beaches.  I'm pretty sure this is an ibis of some sort.

Key West Chickens

Apparently, from what we've heard, chickens are protected and roam the city everywhere.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Southern-most Point

There was absolutely no place to park so I just got this shot as we drove by.


We wanted to get a picture of the marker at the southern-most point of the U.S. and passed this strange object on our way.


Does anyone know what these are?


The Beach around the Fort

The land around the fort was added over the years.

Fort Zachary Taylor

We didn't plan to stay long on Key West.  Our first stop was the far end of the island where Fort Zachary Taylor was built mid-nineteenth century.

The Seven Mile Bridge

This morning, Thursday, we were soon on our way to reach the other end of the Keys, i.e., Key West.